Lack of sleep and menstrual cycle

lack of sleep and menstrual cycle

Importance of sleep for overall health

Can lack of sleep affect menstrual cycle? Yes, lack of sleep and menstrual cycle are interconnected. Sleep is extremely vital for the complete positive functioning of the body’s physical and mental aspects. It helps manage weight, brain functionalities, diseases, inflammation, immune system and improves mood and alertness. It is essential for the metabolism and development of immunity within the body. Good sleep can affect overall health.

Menstrual cycle and its sensitivity to various factors

The menstrual cycle is associated with age, pregnancy, weight, physical workout, medicines, genetic factors, uterine fibroids, thyroid, and other aspects of a woman’s health. Nutrition and environmental factors have also been found to have a certain impact on the menstruation of women.  Lack of sleep and menstrual cycle are also inter-related.

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual period is the woman’s body’s natural process that takes over with certain changes in hormones within the woman’s body every month. Day 1 from the menstruation cycle of a woman to the day exactly ahead of the start of her subsequent period is counted as the menstrual cycle of the woman.  

Phases of the menstrual cycle

There are 4 stages of a woman’s menstrual period:

  • Menstruation (1st date of a woman’s period),
  • Follicular phase (before the release of the eggs)
  • Ovulation (release of the eggs, usually occurs during the time surrounding the 14th day of the cycle that extends to 28 days)
  • Luteal phase (post-release of the eggs)

Hormonal changes during each phase.

  • Follicular phase: growth of ovary follicles and rise in Estrogen levels
  • Ovulation: LH surge causing the release of the eggs from the woman’s ovary.
  • Luteal phase: A rise in progesterone levels and stability can be seen in estrogen levels.
  • Menstruation: Levels of progesterone and estrogen are extremely low.

Why you can’t sleep during period?

There is a huge connection between lack of sleep and menstrual cycle. Many women struggle to sleep during periods because of various hormonal imbalances, bloating and menstrual cramps. The production of melatonin (responsible for sleep) is also slowed down during the menstrual phase. Boost in the progesterone levels that usually takes place a week before your period may also cause sleep disturbances.

How does lack of sleep affect the menstrual cycle?

Lack of sleep and menstrual cycle are connected. When there is inadequate sleep, there can be skipped or delayed periods, irregular menstruation cycles, menstruation disorders, heavy menstrual flow, few PMS symptoms, etc.

Higher prostaglandin levels associated with poor sleep can also cause certain menstrual disorders that may include heavy bleeding and dysmenorrhea.

Science Behind Sleep and Hormonal Balance

Melatonin is largely responsible for the management of sleep and the circadian rhythm. It is the pineal gland that is primarily causing melatonin production in the body; it is a reaction to the darkness. When the body and the eyes witness a sharp exposure to light, it blocks the production of melatonin that otherwise, quickly signals the body to retire to bed.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Menstrual Cycle

Lack of sleep can adversely affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, irrespective of her age. Lack of sleep and menstrual cycle are connected. Improper sleep can cause irregular menstruation, trigger menstrual pain and Premenstrual syndrome, and cause heavy bleeding and various other menstrual disorders in a woman.

Research Findings

It has been suggested in surveys that poor sleep quality is commonly noticed in the menstrual phase of women, particularly in women with menstruation disorders like PMS and POS.

 (Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30098748/)  

Sleep disturbances were also associated with dysmenorrhea and Premenstrual syndrome in women.

(Source: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10474748/)

Lifestyle Factors

Certain lifestyle factors usually including exercise, sleep, diet, smoking, and stress can hugely impact the menstrual phase of a woman. Can stress and lack of sleep affect your period? Yes, it does; hence, stress management is equally important. Alcohol and obesity are also certain factors that may cause concern. Consuming nutritious food and getting adequate sleep can be the ultimate game-changers.

Tips for Improving Sleep and Menstrual Health

One must:

  • ensure a proper physical workout
  • avoid huge meals right before bedtime
  • stick to a fixed bedtime
  • manage stress, light exposure, healthcare appointments, hormonal contraception, etc.
  • take proper food and ensure good lifestyle habits
  • take a hot bath and suitable positions for sleep
  • take care of their sleep hygiene

When to Seek Professional Help

If the patient has been facing irregular, painful, and heavy periods, it may be time to consult a medical professional. If menstruation lasts for more than 7 days or you see bleeding post sexual intimacy, notice a change in menstruation pattern, or periods come back within 21 days or are spaced 2-3 months apart, an immediate medical consultation can help.

If you have been experiencing excessive pain during menstruation, Endometriosis or female infertility issues, Medzsupplier can offer the best and most affordable medications for the management of menstruation and fertility problems in women.


Can lack of sleep cause a delayed period?

Lack of sleep and menstrual cycle with delayed periods are surely associated with each other. Lack of adequate sleep can lead to improper periods, hormonal imbalance, Gonadal hormones and disruptions in Circadian rhythms.

Can lack of sleep make your period early?

Periods tend to arrive early in women with a lack of sleep and menstrual cycle problems. Hormonal imbalances, Circadian rhythms, and shift work are often responsible for early periods.

What is horrible insomnia before the period?

Horrible insomnia before menstruation is possible due to certain factors such as hormonal changes, PMDD, and PMS. Making essential adjustments to your sleep pattern and sleep environment, using supplements and regular exercise can help.

What can be the Maximum delay in periods if not pregnant?

Delayed menstruation that goes more than 3 months may indicate medical concerns like lack of menstruation in the woman’s body and amenorrhea. If it is more than 7 days after your expected date (for the start of menstruation), it is considered a ‘late’ period.

What are the Luteal phase sleep problems?

Luteal phase sleep problems may include difficulty falling asleep, lack of sound sleep, frequent awakening, poor sleep quality, and increased sleep irregularities. There may be a decrease in melatonin and a rise in progesterone levels, which are often responsible for sleep problems during this phase.

Is it ok to sleep more during period?

lack of sleep and menstrual cycle are associated with each other. Getting more sleep during menstruation is perfectly fine, considering your body’s demand for increasing cramps, fatigue, mental fog, and so on. Tiredness with heavy menstrual flow also leads to period fatigue that can be managed by taking rest.

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